.:.The X-Files Chronicles.:.

What's New?
    Part 2 of Man of the Cloth (M/K AU)
     New short story: When You Enter... (M/K)
   Part 1 of Man of the Cloth (M/K AU)

XXM F LuderXX's X-Files Fanfiction
The characters used in my fiction do not belong to me.
They belong to Chris Carter,
1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting.
If a character is created by me it will be noted before each story.
These stories are for entertainment purposes only.
No copyright intended.
These stories contain adult situations.
If that bothers you then turn back now.
My e-mail address is in perfect, working order.
 Do not hesitate to contact me:
Important Note:
I know a lot of you are waiting on the sequel to "Rutherfordium".
And I thank you.
It means so, so much to me you are being patient.
I know it's taking forever.
At this moment, these are the stories I am in the middle of.
Rutherfordium; Sequel
A Man of the Cloth (M/K AU)
Untitled M/K Fluff
AND, in addition to those,
I have to write the ending to my MSR AU,
"Everyone Has A Match".
AND I have to write a sequel to "Sec. Days, Sec. Ways"
for the lovely Nancy who had the guts
to tell me the truth.
She was unsatisfied.
I am trying so hard. Thank you for being patient.
All of you.

Dirty Little Secret

Best Friends with Benefits